Refund/Cancellation/Resale Policy for Registrations

Legal Status of Chartered Accountants Association Surat ("CAAS")
CAAS is registered as trust under the Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950 as well as u/s 12AA and 80G(5)(vi) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Donation is eligible for deduction u/s 80G(5)(vi) vide Order No.ITBA/EXM/S/80G/2019-20/1017092065(1) dt.30/07/2019.
Membership Fees
Once paid, Membership registration fees (Life or Annual) are non-refundable in any circumstances, since the same are received by CAAS as a voluntary contribution towards the corpus of the Trust. The same is not refundable once it is paid. Hence, registrants are highly advised to make sure they want to register in all their senses, before moving ahead for registration as a member. No request for refund of the receipts of such nature shall be entertained in any circumstances. Membership fees are non-transferable, once membership is alloted. However, bank account from where the membership fees are paid is not relevant.
Registration Fees for Seminars and other events
Registration Fees paid for Seminars and other events is cancellable and also refundable, provided the registrant gives CAAS within 7 days of such payment, written or electronic (emailed) notice of the desire to cancel their registration for the seminar or other event on Once, we receive the said request, we shall intimate the payment gateway service provider to refund the said amount without any deduction or withholding, as the case may be. Any request received after the aforesaid period of 7 days of such payment shall not be entertained or processed for refund.
Donation payments are non-refundable in any circumstances, since the same are received by CAAS as a voluntary contribution towards the corpus of the Trust and are eligible for a deduction for tax purposes u/s 80G. The same is not refundable once it is paid. Hence, registrants are highly advised to make sure they want to register in all their senses, before moving ahead for registration as a member. No request for refund of the receipts of such nature shall be entertained in any circumstances.
Sale or transfer of seminar tickets or credits is not permitted.
Unless permitted by CAAS, none of the seminar tickets or eligibility shall be transferable or saleable by the registrant. Notwithstanding any thing for the time being in force in India, the said sale or transfer shall be void and no benefit shall enure to the benefits of the transferee in good faith. Although the same may be transferable only on a request made in writing by the registrant to CAAS written or electronic (emailed) to atleast 3 hours prior to the start of the seminar or other event.
Tax Matters
CAAS is exempted from payment of Goods and Services Tax on account of the operation of the threshold limit of the aggregate receipts during the financial year. Also, Payments to CAAS towards donation are exempt from taxable income of the donor u/s 80G(5)(vi) of Income Tax Act, 1961.